The Phlox Anthem
CM Productions brought me on to help create content for Phlox Capital Management, a Dallas-based independent wealth management firm.
GoPro - Marshall Miller’s Giant SkiBASE Jump
I’m extremely excited to finally be able to share one of my latest projects and a collaboration with GoPro!
Oncor - Data Driven Energy
Working with a great team assembled by CM Productions, I helped create a series of recruiting videos for Oncor Electric Delivery, the largest transmission and distribution electric utility in Texas.
What to Expect at Cades Cove
This video was created for Great Smoky Mountains National Park during my stay as an artist-in-residence for the park.
The SCA in Alaska
This latest project with the SCA has been the most exciting yet, as they sent me all the way to Alaska!
BNSF - West Coast Advantage
CM Productions brought me on to help with one of the videos for BNSF’s annual Supply Chain Summit.
Oncor - It’s Happening in Dallas
One of the four videos that dive deeper into what it’s like to work at Oncor and live in a thriving metroplex like Dallas Fort Worth.
Oncor - It’s Happening Here
This is one of the four videos that dive deeper into what it’s like to work at a company like Oncor.
Teacher 2 Teacher SPED & Remote Learning Webinar
Highlight reel from a Teacher 2 Teacher webinar about SPED & remote learning.
BNSF Economic Development Update
BNSF economic development update with Colby Tanner, AVP of Economic Development.
The Leaky Bucket
CM Productions brought me on to help create content for Phlox Capital Management, a Dallas-based independent wealth management firm.
BNSF Intermodal Quarterly Update
BNSF intermodal quarterly customer update with Tom Williams, GVP of consumer products.